Key points highlighted in report:
- Improve population health and reduce inequalities.
- Patients and carers should be involved in co-designing service.
- Integrated care for patients with multiple conditions, should be provided by multiple professional teams (incl. specialist, primary, community, and social care and voluntary sector).
- Improve access and outcomes through service model evaluation. Outcome metrics should be clinically led, and patient centred, ideally co-designed.
- Clinical training for all health and social care professionals to deliver effective outpatient care.
- Reduce adverse environmental impact of healthcare.
What does this mean for medical products being incorporated as part of a patient-centred, outpatient service?
Patient Centred – How does the product contribute or enhance to the patient’s experience, patient’s journey/pathway?
Although this clinical framework is aimed at physicians, it is important for companies looking for market access in the NHS. The principles outline an integrated approach to planning and delivery, therefore when introducing a product or device into the market, you must consider how the patient benefits as part of a bigger strategic picture.
Co-Creation – Who are we co-creating and co-designing the service with? Which stakeholders do we need to consider engaging with?
The words co-designing, co-planning, co-producing are used throughout the report which emphasises the co-creation between different parties from the patient to the clinician to possibly considering charities. As a life science or MedTech company it is important to map out the key parties where we can engage to understand different perspectives and truly have a collaborative approach, which benefits the patient.
Reducing inequalities and improving outcomes – How can the product or device contribute to an outpatient service whereby we improve patient access and outcomes?
Improving outcomes and reducing heath inequalities are more important than ever following the pandemic. It is recognised that there is a 20 year gap in healthy life expectancy between the poorest and wealthiest populations. Therefore, when setting up an outpatients service in a particular locality/community this is an important factor to consider as part of addressing patient access and outcomes.
The modern outpatient service in the NHS which considers key elements of the RCP recommendations will be the differentiator between a successful service given the current situation in the UK.